Bologna in Lettere 2021 – Darko Duilo

Bologna in Lettere 2021

Arte-fatti Contemporanei

A cura di Maria Korporal



Darko Duilo

Hallelujah Noah





I envisioned this work as a personal extension of the last year’s multi-authored project “Chant for a Pandemic” presented at the BIL festival and directed by Dee Hood (I was one of the authors involved in that project). My primary intention was to highlight the emptiness of the potential post-pandemic world in modest dimensions and with emphasis on the paradox of the expected positive ecological aspect of lockdown in the context of a personal remark of cloacal clots of regenerative natural “primordial soup”. The invocation of Noah is explicit in the universal anthropological context of any man / woman trying to gather a “herd of life” in primary formation (two by two) which may invoke queer allusions but that was not my intention. Symbolically, everything is abolished on donkeys, symbols of determination and a strong will. 


Short Bio:


Born in 1973 in Split, Croatia. During the late 80s attended amateur film, photography and IT workshops in the Video and IT Club “Varoš” in the home town, followed by probing the activities of Cine Club Split, while at the same time independently working on experimental amateur movies using VHS (Panasonic 2000) and Super 8 cameras. Left Split to pursue university studies in Zadar and Zagreb and spent some time in the 90s abroad, all the while remaining a devoted cinephile. Successfully completed studies in Sociology and Philosophy (postponing the PhD), followed by a stint as a journalist for several Croatian daily newspapers (“Slobodna Dalnacija”, “Jutarnji List”, “Dan”), also writing occasional essays in the field of humanities and teaching in high school. With the start of the new century, joined Cine Club Split as a permanent member, completing the film school course and attending all basic workshops. Sometimes worked on film productions, performing various tasks. Member of the editorial board of “Split Film School – 60 Years of Cine Club Split” and author of the educational publication “Avant-garde Film – 10 years of film screenings 2008-2018”. Was continually curating and managing educational film screenings programs that were held every Friday from 2008. until March 2020. After a hiatus period of over 15 years, during 2020. and 2021. independently produced about 80 experimental video works aesthetically-technically related on personal experience with super8, VHS and basic digital techniques. Also involved in preparing and teaching courses at maritime colleges and freelancing as a translator. 


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