Bologna in Lettere 2021
Il festival online
A cura di Maria Korporal
Sonia Laura Armaniaco
Spiralli Fragilis
Sonia Laura Armaniaco works in Italy currently as a video artist and audiovisual performer, has presented her work in various places with different features, art galleries, museums, small and medium theaters, black boxes, clubs, open spaces, in Italy, Europe and United States. She also works as art teacher at pediatric hospitals.
SPIRALLI FRAGILIS è un breve video di riflessione sulla bellezza e sul bisogno che se ne ha, sulla caducità della vita – originariamente è stato pensato per la Siria e tutto il patrimonio culturale così fondamentale per il mondo intero e volato tragicamente via – più che mai ora la bellezza è stata desiderata, un appello quindi a proteggerla, come fonte di primaria sopravvivenza, il nostro primario desiderio.
SPIRALLY FRAGILIS is a short video of reflection on beauty and the need for it, and on the transience of life – originally it was designed for Syria and all the cultural heritage so fundamental for the whole world and tragically flown away – more than ever, now, beauty was desired, an appeal therefore to protect it, as a source of primary survival, our primary desire.